
Overview of a Council's Finances

Each year a parish council applies for a precept from its Borough Council. For Selling Parish Council this is Swale Borough Council. The parish council meets in December or January to discuss its needs for the next financial year (April – March) and compare its expenditure over the current year with the amount previously predicted. Once agreed the precept form is returned and notification of whether it has been granted or not is received a few weeks later. This precept is paid in two instalments in April and September. The local parish is charged for this precept in their council tax.

Each month the parish clerk balances the accounts against bank statements and presents this to the council. This summary is always available to the public in the supporting documents of the meeting where they are discussed and approved by the council. Below you can find a sample of the monthly accounts and a document explaining how the summary, list of payments and details of income are formulated.

       Explanation of Selling Parish Council Accounts


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Precept requests
Budget 2024/25
Accounts 2023/24
Accounts 2022/2023 
Accounts 2021/2022
Accounts 2020/2021
Accounts 2019/2020
Accounts 2018/2019
Accounts 2017/2018
Accounts 2016/2017

Residents of the Parish are entitled to view the accounts of the Parish Council during a period specified by the Public Rights notice. For details, click the link below.

Public Rights - Unaudited Return

Parish Council Assets

Overview of a Council's Finances

Each year a parish council applies for a precept from its Borough Council. For Selling Parish Council this is Swale Borough Council. The parish council meets in December or January to discuss its needs for the next financial year (April – March) and compare its expenditure over the current year with the amount previously predicted. Once agreed the precept form is returned and notification of whether it has been granted or not is received a few weeks later. This precept is paid in two instalments in April and September. The local parish is charged for this precept in their council tax.

Each month the parish clerk balances the accounts against bank statements and presents this to the council. This summary is always available to the public in the supporting documents of the meeting where they are discussed and approved by the council. Below you can find a sample of the monthly accounts and a document explaining how the summary, list of payments and details of income are formulated.

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