Welcome to Selling Parish Council

The Parish Council is an important tier of local government and works on behalf of Selling residents to make the whole village an even better place. We hold a formal statutory Parish Council meeting in the Village Hall on the third Thursday of every month, starting at 7.00 p.m. You are very welcome to attend. We welcome your contributions of news, events, photos of village life, stories, ideas and of course feedback on our new website. Please use the Contact Us tab above

Latest News

Smartening up Selling Train Station

Published: 11 Sep 24

Tell us your ideas for changing this eyesore into something of value to the community Read More...

Brenley Lane Closure

Published: 10 Sep 24

Brenley Lane will be closed from 23rd September 2024, with estimated completion by 27th September 2024, between the hours of 09:30 and 15:00. Read More...

Latest on the A251 closure

Published: 4 Sep 24

Traffic Marshals remain in place to control entry and exit traffic to Porters Lane, Plumford Road and Old Badgins Road. Passes have been issued to residents of those roads to allow access into their properties. These passes can now also be used to exit the A251 in one direction only towards Faversham, as there is currently enough road space to pass safely. The area of closure has had to be extended and from 7am this morning (4 September) there will be an additional full closure set up at the junction of Dayton Road. Passes will need to be shown at this point. To protect the safety of everyone within the work area, please remember that it is essential to drive through the work area slowly with hazard lights on. Read More...

Have your say about the waste collection

Published: 3 Sep 24

Swale Borough Council wants local people to share their views about the rollout of the new waste and street cleansing contract. The council is carrying out a review into the contract with Suez, which began in March, and is looking at a range of issues related to the start of the new contract, including resources, staffing, data, rounds, contract management, and communications. To make sure people can give their experiences of the move to a new contract, a survey has been launched https://swale.gov.uk/waste-contract-survey to get insights into the preparations for the change and experiences following the rollout. As well as the survey, the council is carrying out workshops with council officers and Suez representatives, consulting with area committees and parish councils. The public survey will close at 11:59pm on Wednesday 2 October. The review is expected to complete its report in November, with a report presented to the Environment and Climate Change Committee. Read More...

Latest news on the A251 road closure

Published: 2 Sep 24

190m of pipe was installed last week and 13 services were renewed or upgraded along the A251 near its junction with Lees Court Road. The work and reinstatement is expected to move south of this junction towards the end of the week. This will enable Sheldwich and North Street residents' to get to and from Faversham along the A251. The works are on schedule and the pipes in Lees Court Road can be upgraded without requiring a road closure, and will be using a 'give and take' instead. Ahead of the new school term starting, traffic will be monitored and further controls introduced if necessary. The school bus service will have permission to travel along the A251 while the upgrades continue, subject to no unexpected engineering issues being encountered. Stagecoach have confirmed that there will be two buses in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please check the Stagecoach website for timings of these services. Read More...

Update from SGN for the A251 works

Published: 28 Aug 24

850m of pipe was installed last week, bringing the work area down to just short of the junction with Lees Court Road. SGN are on schedule and work is progressing well. Some of the additional signage requested for the village has been installed. Investigative work is being carried out around the junction of Lees Court Road to allow them to confirm when they will need to install the second road closure at that location - an update on this will follow. All drivers passing the works area for access are being asked to drive no faster than 20mph and to use their hazard lights. Read More...