Do we need a Community Transport Service?

Published: 03 January 2023

 Faversham Town Council are investigating whether there is a need for a Community Transport Service for communities to reach Faversham Town.  They are asking for your help in establishing whether there is a need for a community bus service, and if so, where it would be needed most.  Faversham Town Council has developed a transport questionnaire to find out which vital services you struggle to get to. If you do not have transport needs but you know someone who does then please give them a copy of the survey or fill it in for them with their permission. The survey can be completed by residents in Faversham and the surrounding villages. The evidence from the survey will be used to identify any transport needs in Faversham and the surrounding villages. it will guide what further research work is undertaken, with the aim of the Town Council applying for grant funding from KCC's Community Transport Scheme. This is separate from commercial bus services. Have your say here.