
Published: 10 March 2020

Selling Parish Council have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor

What does the Parish Council do?

Our voice is sought on local planning applications. We are involved in crime prevention, roads and highway matters. The precept, paid by every household in the village, is based on our budgets for local spending. We decide what projects are put into action and we allocate community grants to local groups. We maintain some of the assets of the village.

Would it take up a lot of my time?

Not at all. We meet one evening a month and all meetings take place in the village.

Is there note-taking and paperwork?

No, we employ a clerk who maintains our records and undertakes the administration and note-taking of the meetings.

Do I need any training?

No prior training is required. However, you will have the opportunity to attend a number of local conferences and/or workshops to give you a greater understanding of the role.

Can I apply?

Yes, if you are a resident of Selling or the surrounding area and have been for at least 12 months and are aged 18 or over.

How can I find out more?

Please contact The Clerk, by by phone: 07790 903442 by post: The Limes, London Road, Upper Harbledown, Kent CT2 9AU. Alternatively, contact any of our Parish Councillors. Their details are on the Parish Council website;