The Internal Audit for financial year 2018/19 was completed on 22/08/2019.
Our statutory responsibilites require us to publish on this website our Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2018/19. This document, the payments listing, list of Fixed Assets and the Bank Reconciliation Statement were confirmed and approved at the Parish Council meeting of 19/09/19 and can be downloaded here:
There is also a variance report from the Auditor, which you can find here:
/_UserFiles/Files/SPC variances 18-19-3 amended.pdf
/_UserFiles/Files/SPC Cashbook 2018-19.pdf
/_UserFiles/Files/Sel Fixed Assets 2017-18.pdf
/_UserFiles/Files/SPC Balance ending 2018-19.pdf
/_UserFiles/Files/FINALISED Selling PC - Internal Audit Report 2018-19 .pdf
If you have any questions arising from the documents or any other matters of finance concerning the Parish Council, please contact the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer, Wendy Gregory, at